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managed services

Experienced Team of Oracle Specialists.


Managed Services

Our team has many years of experience in looking after customers Oracle Databases and keeping their valuable asset in the best shape possible. With our modern ServiceDesk, we ensure we adhere to customer specific SLA requirements on all support issues. Should a customer require a proactive service, we put alerting in place to ensure that we respond to emerging issues as soon as they occur. We check that backups have completed as well as a periodic backup validation and disaster recovery testing. Environments covered include on-Premise, Cloud and Engineered Systems. As part of on-boarding we complete a site-survey and will spot check any issues.

Options include:
Business Working Days (9am to 5pm) or 365 Days per year (24×7)
Reactive (issues reported) or Proactive (monitoring and alerts)
Out of Hours/Sickness/Holiday cover for in-house Oracle staff

We can provide a bespoke Managed Service to meet your exact business requirements.


Onboarding Process

Managed Services.


Simply drop us a mail at [email protected] and we can start the conversation on your requirements. An initial site survey can then be scheduled in with our team.


A designated Account Manager will step through the site survey and high level requirements.


You will receive a concise and succinct proposal mapped by our experts to your specific needs, with scope and commercials to review and feedback on any queries or updates. Once it maps 100% to need, we then move to Contract in Service Agreement.


Your Designated Account Manager and Technical Lead will be then assigned to you as our new Customer. Your Account will be setup in our internal systems and you will receive a welcome notification and access provision to the Service Console. Our Team will help on any Qs you have at that time and then you are Onboard and we can focus in on your service delivery.

Expert Services

Oracle Licence Advisory & Compliance

With 25+ years of experience on many complex Oracle licensing issues, our experts are able to advise you on any current or proposed Oracle environment, be it on-Premise, Cloud or Engineered Systems. This is particularly relevant if you are using a hypervisor or have been asked to engage in an audit. Be safe in the knowledge that your company is Oracle licence compliant.

Oracle Licence Optimisation & Rationalisation

Many customers suffer from licence sprawl and don’t have a full understanding of all the Oracle products they are running. Our experts can perform a review of what you have in place versus what you own. We can then look at what can be consolidated or removed. We can also provide advice on potential cost reduction with a new platform.

High Availability, Disaster Recovery & Backup

We can review your current environment and provide various options for maximum High Availability/Fault Tolerance and Disaster Recovery to meet business SLAs as well as Backup solutions that meet regulatory requirements on data retention and restoration.

Health check & Performance Optimisation

When an Oracle Database is first installed, the engine works well and the applications perform. Over time, the load on the Database can increase due to data and workload expansion. Very often, it’s then noted that the Database and the associated applications no longer run as fast as they should or certain sporadic behaviour occurs, which both hamper productivity. It is sometimes difficult to find the root cause since it may be more than one issue. Our experts are adept at finding out what is causing the problem and providing solutions to return performance and stability, back to optimal.

Patching, Upgrade & Migration

It’s essential to keep pace with patches and upgrades for new features and fixes. Our team is well adept at providing customers with a tailored plan for patching and upgrades to fit around their business constraints for Database availability. We also provide customers with a safe pair of hands when migrating to a new platform e.g. on-Premise to Oracle Cloud, Standard Servers & Storage to Engineered Systems.

Hypervisor Advisory & Implementation

Hypervisors for Oracle products can lead to complex and serious Oracle licence implications. We can provide advice on what can and cannot be used with Oracle products with regards to Hypervisors. We can architect and implement Oracle on many different platforms and ensure they are compliant e.g. VMware, OVM, OLVM, KVM etc.

Oracle Application Express (APEX) is one of the best low code tools available and it’s free to use. It’s ideal for new application development, legacy application modernisation (e.g. Oracle Forms) and data visualisation/reporting. As a low code tool, it means development time is a fraction of standard tools and it renders on a browser and Smart Device. Our experts use it in a variety of ways on many different projects and data sources. We can provide a full scope of offerings from design, development and then on-going support.

Best Practice Database Security

We take security very seriously. Vertice can advise on all the various security options available for the Database including encryption, data-masking, audit, anti-SQL injection etc. We can also provide advice for the infrastructure, be it on-Premise or Cloud.

Architecture Design & Implementation

Oracle Cloud

As an accredited Oracle Cloud Solutions Provider (CSP) we use best practice methodologies when a customer wants to create a new environment or migrate to Oracle Cloud. This includes:

> Intital scoping to document what a customer already has, if applicable (licenses, database archtecture and size etc).

> We then size and shape a new environment in Oracle Cloud and set this up adhering to all required access/security standards.

> We then take care of migrating all data and workloads to Oracle Cloud and making them operational.

> Once live, we then provide a fully Managed Service encompassing the Oracle Cloud environment and any associated Databases.

Engineered Systems

Our team have years of experience on all of Oracle’s Engineered Systems (Exadata, Exadata Cloud@Customer, Private Cloud Appliance (PCA), Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance (ZDLRA) and Oracle Database Appliance (ODA).

These systems are particularly adept at addressing customers who have a sprawling Oracle environment. Particularly on commodity servers where customers would like Oracle Licence optimisation, Server consolidation and business critical Database operation and recovery.

We have worked across many different projects and have vast experience in sizing and implementing Engineered Systems. We can then assist customers with migrating data and workloads as well as providing a Managed Service.

Hybrid Cloud

Customers that are still on-Premise but have no Disaster Recovery (DR) second site can use Oracle Cloud for DR and so save the expense. It then also means that the DR instance can be used against other Oracle Cloud Services such as Oracle Analytics, with no latency.

Some customers want to retain their on-Premise investment and make use of Oracle’s Cloud Services . Latency can sometimes be an issue so as an Equinix Partner, we can put a customer Server (Primary or Standby) in one of their Datacentres so that they are then adjacent to Oracle Cloud, with no latency.

Non-Oracle Cloud

We have experience of standing up Oracle Databases on non Oracle Clouds such as AWS, Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). They all have their own nuances and we follow the equivalent processes to our CSP methodology.

Some customers require additional help in optimising their Oracle Database in a non-Oracle Cloud.


In some instances a customer may do a wholesale migration to a single Cloud provider. If this is a non-Oracle Cloud, sometimes it’s noticed that the applications associated with an Oracle Database are not performing as they should. We have helped several customers architect a multi-cloud environment where the Database runs in Oracle Cloud and is then connected to the applications in the non-Oracle Cloud. The revelation is that due to low latency, as the Database speed returns on Oracle Cloud, the associated applications then perform as required.

On-Premise Servers & Storage

A lot of customers still want to maintain an on-Premise capability for their Oracle Database. Our team can recommend net-new or upgrades to existing Servers and Storage, in-order to keep pace with the required performance and data growth of the business.

Get in touch

Contact us today to learn more about what Vertice can do for you.

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