Governed Analytics through OAS
Oracle Analytics Server (OAS) offers many benefits for businesses looking to get the most out of their data. The following key features highlight how accurate and actionable insight is achieved through OAS.
Oracle Analytics Rise in HR
Oracle users can perform People-Centric HR Analytics within both Oracle Analytics Cloud and Oracle Analytics Server for deeper insights.
Bitesize Analytics Infographic: ADW Machine Learning Reference Sheet
Reference ADW business scenarios at a glance with the Bitesize Analytics infographic.
Bitesize Analytics Infographic: Oracle ADW vs ATP
Learn how Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse differs from Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing at a glance with the Bitesize Analytics infographic.
Bitesize Analytics Infographic: Citizen Data Scientist
For a quick and supplementary guide, the #BitesizeAnalytics Citizen Data Scientist Reference Sheet is perfect for those getting started to download and keep at hand.